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November 15, 2009



I got the Droid from Verizon and love it so far! GMail, Google Maps navigation, local business search by voice, Twitter, Google Calendar, Google Voice (visual voicemail), photo/video camera, standard audio out jack, and physical keyboard... so glad I skipped the iPhone!

There are a few fussy things to get used to in terms of usability, but that would the same on any new phone.


Your blog sucks.

Pete T

I just switched to the Droid and couldn't be happier. Games aside, when you need to do business, nothing beats it. Combined my Gmail address book with my phone contacts, free tethering (through PDAnet), and apps for all the other good stuff. I'm using my laptop less now because I'm answering emails immediately form my phone thanks to the physical keyboard.


I have to agree. I decided against the iPhone due to it's lack of business capabilities. I LOVE the "fun" aspects of the phone, but refused to sign up with AT&T. I instead carry a Blackberry Curve, and have an iPod Touch. The iPod Touch has all the same fun as the iPhone (minus the one the go internet connection and camera) but the keyboard and functionality from a call, email, and texting standpoint is far better on the Blackberry devices.

I am excited to get some good "playtime" with the Droid though... there is definitely still room to improve in this market. Best thing Apple could do now though is get the heck off of AT&T...

Now, to be fair, the Blackberry Storm is a total stinker too. I think that when you go full touch screen like they have tried to do on these phones, it becomes unimaginably difficult to type in quick situations that require more than a 5 word response.

I do also appreciate that the Blackberry has been able to make a personal/business crossover device that can handle the requirements of both seamlessly. They have also made the personal computing device accessible to all, not just the business types. From a marketing perspective, getting your future business professionals loyal, and in some cases quite "addicted" at the collegiate level only serves to keep that loyalty into there adult life when they can fully appreciate the power of the device for something more than just texting without smudging your screen.

Masters Dissertations

Whenever i see the post like your's i feel that there are still helpful people who share information for the help of others, it must be helpful for other's. thanx and good job.

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