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« Think you have a Big Idea? What makes something a Big Idea? | Main | JMU College of Business and its former Dean, Robert Reid »

October 25, 2012


Sue H

Don talks this talk. He turned down a deal I was in at a prior company, and he was right. But he was also nice, and a few years later, here I am still reading his blog and heeding his entrepreneurial advice. And how 'bout the giants now jumping on the contrails of Don's "proprietary deal flow...." Wow.

Dionne Daniel

Number 3 hits the spot. Tackling small ideas may involve a big risk. That doesn't mean big ideas won't have big risks, but just thinking of small things won't guarantee a huge profit. If you can convert that small idea and mix it with something unique that can make it big, go for it. Just do the planning carefully.

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