Employee of the Month Reserved Parking Sign (Photo credits: myparkingsign.com)
If you own and operate a small business and there's is a signature stamp with your name on it that enables others to sign checks on your behalf -- find it now and destroy it. Do not rest until this is done.
Do it before it destroys you. The small business signature stamp will save you time in the short term and cost you money in the long term. Potentially, a lot of money. I can attribute $50k of losses through the years to signature stamps. It isn't that they employees in possession of the stamp aren't responsible, they are responsible they just don't care as much as you do about the money coming in and money going out of the business. And they will never care as much as you about the business as you do. Accept it, embrace it and absolutely live it.
The drop off of commitment between owner and employee will always be there. It is just most likely to be expensive with a signature stamp around. But it is prevalent in all tasks that were once done by the owner and are now transitioned to an employee. One needs to be careful about what one hands over and especially hesitant to let important things completely go.